After receiving your email
- Latest pricing
- Commercial sales practices
- Associated representations and certifications
- Audit deficiencies
- Insufficient sales
- Trade Agreement Act compliance
- Financial review
- Commercial sales practice disclosures
- Small business size recertification
- Performance evaluations
Your Contracting Officer will set a deadline for you to submit your renewal documents and Final Proposal Revision. The GSA can extend this deadline, if necessary. Once your GSA Contract Option Renewal is successful, you are all set for 5 more years of business with the U.S. Government!
Get expert help
Do you have a GSA Option Renewal coming up soon? Are you unsure what you need to do or how and when to do it?
- Preparing and submitting your Option to Extend
- Working with your Contracting Officer throughout the review process
- Coordinating responses to GSA’s requests for clarification
- Negotiating changes to terms and finalizing the award documents
GSA Schedule Option Renewal course
For insight into the ever-changing field of government contracts and how to successfully exercise your GSA Option, take our GSA Schedule Option Renewals course.
- Review and update your Basis of Award, Commercial Sales Practices, and T&Cs prior to the renewal process
- Successfully request contract changes
- Negotiate with either your Contract Specialist or further up the chain of command
- Prepare for your Industrial Operations Analyst Assessment
- Review the requirement for a Small Business Subcontracting Plan
- Revisit your Economic Price Adjustment clause