GSA Schedule 36. Schedule 75 GSA

SA label

GSA Office Management Category

GSA Office Management Large Category is one of twelve categories under the Consolidated MAS Schedule. This type of a GSA contract includes various office supplies, services, audio and video equipment and services, printing equipment and so on. Literally every federal agency needs at least something from the GSA Office Management category, so getting a GSA Office Management Contract proves to be potentially very profitable for a business.

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    What is GSA Office Management Category

    This large category under the Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Consolidated Schedule encompasses various products, services and solutions that the federal agencies require to maintain workplaces functional and convenient, simplify everyday office tasks, and reduce operational costs.

    Overall sales under the Office Management Category in 2019 as reported by GSA contract holder companies, exceeded $1 billion. That’s a huge amount. And what’s even more exciting is that there are merely about 500+ contractors in this MAS category. This means that on average a contractor does over $2 million in sales through a GSA Office Management contract.

    Taking into account extremely high budgets of the Office Management contracts, no wonder many companies are dreaming of being awarded within this category. Based on our past experience, legacy schedules were also among the most popular and profitable GSA Schedules.

    The attractiveness of the GSA Office Management contracts is heavily based on the fact that almost all federal, state, and local agencies need office supplies and services regularly. Among the major purchasers in this category are the Veteran Affairs, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, the Army, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the U.S. Department of Treasury.

    Summarizing, the GSA Office Management Large Category contract is relatively low-competition, big clients, and a profitable GSA contract.

    What SINs does the Office Management Large Category encompass?

    Overall, the Office Management Large Category contains these 9 sub-categories:

    • Audio Visual Products and Audio Visual Services
    • Document Services
    • Mail Management
    • Publication Media Products & Services
    • Office Supplies
    • Office Services
    • Office Management Maintenance and Repair
    • Printing and Photographic Equipment
    • Records Management

    The complete list of SINs under these subcategories is as follows:

    Audio Visual Products and Audio Visual Services

    334310Professional Audio/Video Products – Includes professional audio/video equipment and parts.
    334511TTelecommunications Equipment – Includes telecommunications equipment and accessories, such as radar (except airborne), underwater, light, and laser equipment.
    541990AVProfessional Audio/Video Services – Includes professional audio/video services.

    Document Services

    518210DCDocument Conversion Services – Includes scanning original document’s text and images, converting the information to digital data, transfering the data to a new media file, and formatting the information for use in a document imaging and storage system. Customized coding and indexing options are also available as part of the document conversion process.
    541611LITLitigation Support Services – Includes a wide range of services that aid the customers in obtaining, organizing, analyzing and presenting evidence or materials for legal matters. Services include, but are not limited to: document acquisition, document preparation and organization, data extraction from forensic images, document analysis, technical support, and project management.
    561439Document Production On-site and Off-site Services – Includes the necessary equipment (e.g. high-volume digital color copiers, scanners) and personnel required for effective on-site/off-site document production. Also includes single or multiple shift production operations, consumable supplies (paper and transparencies are usually not included), on-going equipment maintenance, and customized agency reports.NOTE: Consider job turnaround time, maximum number of impressions per day or month, document quality expectations, etc.
    561990Document Destruction Services – Includes on-site and off-site destruction of classified, unclassified, or personal identifiable information. Types of documents include hard copy media, electronic media, and optical mass storage media. Destruction techniques may include, but are not limited to, shredding, pulverization, disintegration, and incineration.

    Mail Management

    561499MMail Management, Systems, Processing Equipment and Related Solutions – Includes all services necessary to manage a mailroom, such as Mailroom Administrative Support Services, Presort Mail, Miscellaneous Mail Services, List Management Services, Mailroom Ergonomic Analysis Services, Mail Screening and Inspection Services.

    Publication Media Products & Services

    511130Books and Pamphlets – Includes books: geography, medical, technical and childrens’, dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacs, atlases, globes, maps, instructional pamphlets, internet desk references and thesauruses.
    5191MEntertainment, News and Library Media – Provides Off-the-Shelf licensed and unlicensed broadcast and multimedia programming, news and information media (theatrical and non-theatrical) delivered in variety of modes including primarily electronic subscription, print, wireless broadcast, including satellite; cable broadcast, LowPowerTV; and the multi-media and Digital storage formats
    511120Periodicals, Subscriptions, Online Book Selling and Lending Library Services
    561410Editorial, Publishing, and Library Media Services – Includes the acquisition of professional support services in the publishing of print and electronically published media and communication documents, books, research studies, and general manuscript preparation but excluding any advertising, marketing or public relations materials; document editing or proofreading; typing, word processing, or desktop publishing; and; specialized transcription services for medical billing, medical coding, medical transcription, and voice recognition/transcription.

    Office Supplies

    333318Dictating and Transcribing Machines and Systems – Includes a professional dictation system that offers a full voice recording system interface using advanced technology. Products may include digital recorders, microphones, sound cards, etc.
    333318SBSAOffice Security Equipment and IT Products (Small Business Set Aside) – Includes security applications for office equipment that shall be secured in any environment to deter unlawful removal. Available security solutions include anti-theft software tracking systems, the ability to manage a PC from a network location, switch for computer case, motion sensors, and all directly related conventional and biometric products.
    339940Office Products – Includes all office products, such as pens, paper, binders, external hard drives, toner cartridges, etc.
    339940OS4OS4 Office Products and Supplies – Offerors may offer their entire commercial catalog, or may offer a select, limited line of office products.
    339940OVEROS4 Overseas Office Products and Supplies – Offerors may offer their entire commercial catalog, or may offer a select, limited line of office products.

    Office Services

    541611OOffice Management Needs Assessment and Analysis Services – Includes office equipment needs assessment and analysis services, which involves assessing various office management functions to identify opportunities for improvement.
    541614OROffice Relocation and Reconfiguration – Includes services for relocating and/or reconfiguring existing office furniture, equipment, and related supplies. Services include, but are not limited to: pre-move planning, relocation plan designing, reorganizing, and related ancillary supplies such as packing materials.
    561110Office Administrative Services – Includes day-to-day office administrative support services, such as clerical/ secretarial functions, data entry, payroll administration, recordkeeping, travel preparation, scheduling, note taking, meeting management, drafting memos/notes/letters, purchasing/requisitioning supplies, and logistics.
    561320SBSATemporary Staffing (SBSA) – Includes temporary administrative and professional staffing.
    561499NNetwork Connectivity Support Services – Includes network connectivity support services, which involve supporting federal agencies’ network operating systems and infrastructure. Tasks include, but are not limited to: network management, security, hotlines, database/software maintenance, etc.

    Office Management Maintenance and Repair

    811212RRepair of Government-Owned Equipment (for equipment NOT under Maintenance Service Agreement) – Includes the repair of any type of copier equipment offered under this Schedule that’s NOT covered under a maintenance service agreement. Includes directly related attachments, supplies, and accessories.
    811212SAMaintenance Service Agreement For Office Equipment – Includes a maintenance service agreement consisting of preventative and repair (remedial) services for office equipment, such as service calls. Also includes the cost of labor, transportation, and replacement/spare parts (excluding consumable operating supplies).

    Printing and Photographic Equipment

    325992Micro-photographic Film, Paper, Chemical Preparation and Equipment- Includes micro-photographic film and paper, chemical preparation, and equipment, such as microfilm copy paper, finishing and editing equipment, quality control equipment, etc.
    333244Post Copying/Finishing Equipment and Supplies – Includes all equipment and supplies necessary for post-copy, such as paper folding, paper gathering, inserting, collating and finishing, paper cutting, and all other related equipment.
    3332493D Printing Solutions and Additive Manufacturing Solutions- Includes printers; ancillary equipment, technical services and supplies required to generate functional prototype images and printed objects. Equipment may include all classes and sizes of 3D Printers, laser imaging devices, post processing devices and ancillary accessories and software to produce functional items.
    333316CCopiers and Digital Duplicating Equipment – Includes analog, engineering, and multifunctional digital copiers with single-color and/or full-color imaging in both desktop and console configurations.
    333316CPCCost-per-Copy Plan for Copiers (to include Analog, Digital, Multifunctional and Engineer Copiers) – Includes cost-per-copy plans for copiers.
    333316FFlat Rate Monthly Fee for Copiers (to include Analog, Digital, Multifunctional and Engineer Copiers) – Includes flat-rate monthly-fee plans for copiers.
    333316MMulti-Media Readers, Reader-Printers and Systems – Includes a wide range of readers and reader-printers, such as electronic reader scanner systems, aperture cards, and all other related equipment.
    333316OSOverseas Copiers and Supplies – Includes overseas purchase of copiers and all other directly related requirements.
    333316PPhotographic Supplies – Includes cameras, accessories, photographic support, etc.
    532420CCopier Rental Solutions – Includes rental plans for all copier equipment.
    532420LCOperating Lease Plan For Copiers – Includes operating lease plans that apply to copiers only, which allow federal agencies to lease equipment for a monthly rate over a period of time, with NO intent to purchase the equipment at the end of the lease agreement period. Ownership of the asset remains with the lessor.
    532420LTLTOP & Operating Lease Plan for all Non-Copier Office Machinery – Includes both lease-to-own plans (LTOP) and operating lease plans applicable to all other products under this Schedule, with the exception of copiers.This includes laboratory imaging systems, mailroom equipment, typewriters, darkroom equipment and supplies, etc.
    532420LTOPLease to Ownership Plans (LTOP) Copier – Includes lease to ownership plans (LTOPs), which are intended for federal agencies who want to lease all types of copiers to ultimately secure ownership. When the lease period ends and all charges are paid, the leased equipment and its titles are immediately transferred from the contractor to the federal customer.
    541611MPSManaged Print Services – Includes equipment and services required to manage imaging output (e.g. printing, scanning, copying, and fax devices) in a system that monitors and reports equipment status, needs and usage trends on a regular basis.

    Records Management

    493110RMPhysical Records Management Services – Includes capabilities to manage the movement, manipulation, archiving, security, and management of physical records, including any ancillary supplies and/or services necessary to provide a total physical records management solution.
    518210ERMElectronics Records Management Solutions – Electronic Records Management Solutions (ERM) provide a comprehensive capability to solve the complex challenges posed by the movement, manipulation, archiving, security, and management of electronic records.

    Legacy Schedules that were replaced by the Office Management Category

    The GSA Office Management Large Category replaces four legacy Schedules:

    • GSA Schedule 75 – Office Products/Supplies and Services
    • GSA Schedule 36 – Solicitation of Office, Imaging and Document Solutions
    • GSA Schedule 76 – Publication Media
    • GSA Schedule 58I – Professional Audio/Video Telemetry and Tracking

    Not all SINs from the above legacy Schedules were transferred. During the MAS Consolidation procedure, the GSA aimed to develop a simpler and more straightforward Multiple Award Schedule. The resulting classification is designed to be more logical, so some SINs from legacy Office Management Schedules were rearranged to other categories that seemed more appropriate to them.

    If your company previously held one or more of the above legacy Schedules, the Office Management Category under the new MAS Schedule would now govern them. 


    Overall, winning a GSA Office Management contract requires serious initial preparation and a lot of work. More than 80% of applications are declined due to various mistakes or discrepancies in the application documents and forms, or because the vendor failed to meet the GSA contract requirements.

    In order to simplify getting a GSA Office Management contract, you need to follow these general steps:

    • Prepare all necessary documents. Download the Office Management Contract solicitation to learn what exact documents are required. The GSA requires a total of about 30 documents including financial statements, price lists and price narrative, technical specifications, compliance reports, past performance reports, a number of standard forms and so on. Then, submit the documents to GSA.
    • GSA reviews your submission. After you submit your document package via the GSA eOffer service, a GSA contracting officer is assigned to your submission. He or she will review your application and get back to you if necessary, either to clarify certain parts of the document package, or to request some other information that your application is missing.
    • Price and conditions negotiation. After your application is reviewed and approved, the GSA procurement officer will contact you to negotiate terms and conditions of your offer as well as special discounts or prices. Creating a winning, yet still profitable price proposal is an art, because the government always wants better discounts even if your offer is already the most affordable on the market. Offer too much, and you will end up under a disadvantageous contract.
    • Award and post-award. When everything is settled, the GSA Schedule contract is awarded. You will be able to publish your offers on GSA e-commerce platforms including GSA Advantage! and GSA eBuy, respond to bids and receive opportunities. Needless to say, the work is not over yet. In fact, your success on the federal market is 99% determined by your ability to continue maintaining your contract, updating the catalog, marketing, and communicating with procurement officers.

    Founded in 2006, Price Reporter is comprised of a team of experts with many years of experience, doing business with GSA.

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    Price Reporter's experts utilize a full-range of custom marketing intelligence solutions, providing the insight needed to navigate today's complex Government marketplace.

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      Price Reporter team has been efficient at managing our GSA contract catalogs for the past 5 years. They keep our catalogs well maintained and compliant, saving our resources and letting us focusing on making sales.


      The B. David Company enlisted the services of Price Reporter, Inc. to setup our DOD EMALL account. We are a second generation family owned company and were uncertain what would be required to complete this task. I fully recommend Price Reporter, Inc. to any company that is looking for assistance with their Government business endeavors. They were and have continued to be extremely helpful. We will continue to rely on Price Reporter, Inc. for future projects.

      Steven Ribnick, Sales & Operations Analyst, B. David Company, Inc.

      Price Reporter recently helped us with our 3rd GSA contract, the 2nd they did with us. It was the fastest we’ve ever been through the process with GSA. Each step was easy because the ground work was done before we were asked to do anything. Our pricing verification phase went smooth and quickly and both our contracts were accepted without rejection, with minimal negotiations with contracting.

      George McCullough, Director of Sales and Business Development, Darley

      We first learned about the DOD EMALL a couple years ago from Price Reporter. We decided to move forward on it in 2016. I would recommend them based on the following items:

      • They split the payment. Half upfront and the other half is only charged should DOD EMALL contract be awarded to you.
      • Adding Price Reporter, specifically Andrey Karpov and Igor London, as agents on our GSA schedule streamlined the process. They were able to communicate with our GSA Contracting Officer to ensure that we received what we needed for DOD EMALL from GSA. This saved time on my end and sped up the process.
      • They provide a list of everything you need. Andrey and the rest of his team are meticulous and understand the process on how to get a DOD EMALL contract and thus we benefited from their expertise.

      These are a few of the reasons why I would recommend Price Reporter, Inc. Thank you!

      Karl Prince, Finance Director, AES Systems, Inc.

      Since 2009, Price Reporter has provided Fisher Scientific timely competitive item level GSA pricing data allowing us to identify opportunities and threats. Their customer service focus is solid.

      Tim Evans, Government Segment Marketing Manager, NA, Fisher Scientific

      Price Reporter are helping make my life much easier and helping me feel so much better about our GSA contract. Thanks!!!

      Kristen Briggs, President, General Mailing & Shipping Systems, Inc.

      For the past 10 years, Price Reporter has been providing us with exceptional service for the maintaining of our GSA office supplies contract. They have updated our files on a very timely basis. They have provided modifications when required. For a number of years, they had been giving us a price algorithm where each of our items were priced more than our cost and a penny below the next competitor. A very unique position that gave us thousands of government orders – that was prior to the GSA FSSI BPA.
      And for all the service given, their cost was far less than any other consulting firm that we had contacted or worked with over the years.
      I would highly recommend their service to any small business that is either interested in getting into the federal government arena or who wants to have their contract maintained at a most highly professional level.
      Thank you for supporting a VETERAN OWNED SMALL BUSINESS.

      Bill Finch, Northeast Office Supply

      We looked around for a reputable company to help us acquire a GSA contract for Muzeek World Intl., Inc. After looking around we were unsuccessful in finding a good company. By chance, one of our colleagues recommended Price Reporter, Inc., so we called them up. I highly recommend Price Reporter to anyone looking for help in acquiring a GSA contract or any Government business dealings. They have the expertise and the know-how to get the work completed.

      Arash Sardarizadeh, Chief Operating Officer, Muzeek World Intl., Inc.

      We have used Price Reporter for various services over the past 5 years and have been very happy with the services they have provided and continue to provide for us. They work hard to help you get the most from your GSA Schedule and are able to adapt and customize to what your particular needs are. I highly recommend their services to others with GSA Schedules as they help you maximize your sales

      Jaime Mautz, PacificInk

      We are extremely grateful for all your help in guiding us through the whole process, as this was all new to us. Without the help of you and the rest of the team at Price Reporter, it would have been impossible to achieve our approval – or at the very least – it would have taken a very long time. I would not hesitate to highly recommend Price Reporter, Inc. to anyone needing assistance in government contracts. Your knowledge and assistance was invaluable and very much appreciated, and we look forward to a continued excellent relationship.

      Lee Middleton, CEO, Point Two Air Vests USA, LLC

      Without Price Reporter contacting me at the right time, GSA would probably cancel my contract already. The CO said that she contacted us back in November of 2016, but got no response. Then Price Reporter called me and helped me with all the things needed and I followed his advise. That’s how we found out that our contract will be terminated soon, but had enough time to take the corrective action. The CO called us recently and it looks like they will extend our contract life. Thanks so much for your timely follow up – Price Reporter gave our Government sales a new hope!

      Jennifer Truong, President, SF Cable, Inc.

      My company STEC-STEADFAST TECHNICS have worked with 2 IT companies before we linked up with PRICE REPORTER ,INC over 5 years ago. Ever since our relationship with the company, there is no reason to stop working with them.
      The company is staffed with experienced and high Tech professionals who meet our needs adequately.

      Olufadeji Amele, Owner
      Frequently Asked Questions

      What is GSA Schedule 36 and who can use it?

       GSA Schedule 36, also known as the Office, Imaging, and Document Solution (OID) Schedule, is a contracting vehicle provided by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). It offers a wide range of office supplies, equipment, document management solutions, and related services to federal government agencies. This schedule is primarily used by federal employees and authorized contractors who require office products and services to support their mission.

      How can I benefit from using GSA Schedule 36?

      Using GSA Schedule 36 can offer several advantages to federal agencies and authorized contractors. By leveraging this contracting vehicle, you can streamline the procurement process and access a wide array of quality office supplies and document management solutions. Additionally, utilizing the GSA Schedule 36 can help you achieve cost savings, comply with government regulations, and enhance operational efficiency.

      What products and services are available through GSA Schedule 36?

      GSA Schedule 36 provides a wide range of office products, equipment, and document management solutions to fulfill the diverse needs of federal agencies. Some of the products and services available include office supplies, furniture, imaging equipment, shredders, scanners, printers, copiers, and document conversion services.

      How can I access and use GSA Schedule 36?

      To access and use GSA Schedule 36, federal agencies and authorized contractors must follow certain procedures. Federal agencies can use the GSA eLibrary ( to search for contractors and products/services available under Schedule 36. Authorized contractors can participate in the GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) program by submitting an offer to GSA and getting a contract awarded.

      How can I stay updated on GSA Schedule 36?

      To stay informed about GSA Schedule 36, it is essential to access the latest information and updates provided by the GSA. The GSA website ( is a valuable resource that offers news, updates, and guidance related to GSA Schedules, including Schedule 36. Additionally, subscribing to GSA newsletters and attending GSA-sponsored events and webinars can help you stay up-to-date with the latest developments.

      What is GSA Schedule 75?

      GSA Schedule 75 refers to a contract vehicle administered by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) that is specifically designed for office supplies and services procurement. It allows federal agencies and eligible organizations to access a wide range of products and solutions from pre-approved vendors at discounted prices.

      Who can use GSA Schedule 75?

      GSA Schedule 75 is available for use by all federal agencies, including civilian, military, and defense agencies. In addition, certain non-federal entities, such as state and local governments, educational institutions, and tribal organizations, can also utilize the GSA Schedule 75 for their office supply needs.

      How do I find vendors under GSA Schedule 75?

      To find vendors under GSA Schedule 75, you can visit the GSA eLibrary and select “Schedules” from the menu. Then, choose “GSA Global Supply” and enter the relevant search criteria, such as product keywords or specific vendor information. The search results will provide a list of vendors who have been awarded contracts under GSA Schedule 75.

      What advantages does GSA Schedule 75 offer?

      GSA Schedule 75 offers several advantages to government agencies and eligible organizations. These include streamlined procurement processes, pre-negotiated prices, compliance with federal acquisition regulations, access to a wide range of office supplies and services, and the ability to support socio-economic goals, such as small business utilization and environmental sustainability.

      How can I order from GSA Schedule 75?

      Ordering from GSA Schedule 75 is a straightforward process. Once you have identified the vendor and products you need, you can directly contact the vendor to initiate the order. Provide them with the necessary details, such as the specific items, quantities, delivery requirements, and any additional contractual terms. The vendor will then process your order and provide you with the requested office supplies or services.