Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Consolidation aims to streamline and simplify the procurement process for federal agencies, GSA specialists and, of course, suppliers of products and services.
- merging 24 MAS Schedules into one Consolidated Schedule
- merging 10 procurement resources into one
Consolidation Phase III is expected to finish by October 2020.
Price Reporter offers aid in preparing, submitting and maintaining your MAS Offers as well as helps you migrate from legacy Schedules.
What is GSA MAS Consolidation?
- consolidate 24 GSA Schedules into one Schedule
- make specific documents and regulations more straightforward and remove duplicate clauses
- re-organize the SIN system considerably, making it easier for vendors to select a specific category for their products, and allowing federal buyers to locate products they need, faster.
- optimize and modernize 10 procurement websites
What is the purpose of Multiple Award Schedule Consolidation?
The main goal of the MAS Consolidation is to streamline the procurement process on all levels. This includes weeding out duplicate clauses, refining and standardizing terms and conditions across multiple Schedules, and re-organizing MAS solicitation, so as to make every part of the procurement process easier and more straightforward.
What are MAS Consolidation phases?
The GSA arranged this consolidation process so that it would entail three stages, called “phases”. Specifically, there are the three stages in 2019-2020:
Phase 1
Development of the New Schedule. During this phase, the GSA developed new solicitation for the single unified Schedule. Documents were reviewed, terms and conditions were optimized. Duplicate clauses, SINs and categories were removed.
Phase 2
This phase implies Mass Modification (or in short, the Mass Mod phase), when every existing GSA contract holder should update terms and conditions of the contract. Importantly, vendors can select multiple SINs, even if those SINs were previously on separate Schedules. The deadline for Phase 2 is July 31, 2020.
Phase 3
This phase consolidates multiple MAS Schedules a vendor holds in one contract.
How does the consolidation of Schedules affect existing contractors?
Vendors who hold existing GSA MAS solicitation contracts can still modify their contracts as usual, submit product catalogs, process orders and so on. During the Phase 2, existing contract holders were not able to add or remove SINs.
Terms and conditions as well as compliance requirements of the existing contracts are still valid. After the Consolidation Phase 3 finishes, the number of contracts remains the same. If a company holds multiple contracts, the number of consolidated contracts will be assigned upon thorough and comprehensive discussion with the vendor.
How does the consolidation of Schedules affect vendors that are currently in the process of pursuing a Schedule?
Currently, vendors can submit GSA proposals under existing (old) solicitations. As soon as Phase 2 ends, the submission will occur under New Schedule.
Which 24 Schedules are consolidated?
- 738 X Human Capital Management and Administrative Support Services
- 76 Publication Media
- 67 Cameras, Photographic Printers and Related Supplies and Services
- 75 Office Products/Supplies and Services and New Products/Technology
- 81 I B Packing and Packaging Supplies and Services
- 71 II K Comprehensive Furniture Management Services (CFMS)
- 78 Sports, Promotional, Outdoor, Recreation Trophies and Signs (SPORTS)
- 58 I Professional Audio/Video, Telemetry/Tracking, Recording, Reproducing, and Signal Data Solutions
- 36 Office, Imaging and Document Solution
- 71 Furniture
- 72 Furnishings and Floor Coverings
- 03FAC Facilities Maintenance and Management
- 51 V Hardware Superstore
- 66 Scientific Equipment and Services
- 56 Building and Building Materials / Industrial Services and Supplies
- 84 Total Solutions for Law Enforcement, Security, Facilities Management, Fire, Rescue, Clothing, Marine Craft and Emergency/Disaster Response
- 73 Food Service, Hospitality, Cleaning, Equipment and Supplies, Chemicals and Services
- 736 Temporary Administrative and Professional Staffing Services
- 48 Transportation, Delivery and Relocation Solutions
- 70 General Purpose Commercial Information Technology Equipment, Software and Service
- 00CORP The Professional Services Schedule
- 23 V Automotive Superstore
- 751 Leasing of Automobiles and Light Trucks
- 599 Travel Services Solutions
What are the main 12 categories that replace legacy Schedules?
The twelve large categories under the New Schedule are:
What does the consolidation of Schedules involve?
Consolidating Schedules pursues several goals and involves a number of procedures. First of all, the main goal is to refine all regulations and to make them clear, up-to-date, complete and without duplicates. After the Phase 3 consolidation, the same rules will apply to all legacy Schedules under the New Schedule, making it easier to comprehend the solicitation requirements for vendors, and easier to review submissions for contracting officers.
Also, consolidation aims to merge multiple GSA contracts into one. This will allow vendors to respond more promptly to solicitations, and provide solutions that precisely match government needs. Supposedly, the New Consolidated Schedule will promote wider spread of Prime-Sub cooperation among government contractors.
Finally, consolidation will merge 7 federal procurement websites into one, and will decommission 3 others altogether. The main place for registering government contractors and applying for the Schedule will be
How will the consolidation of Schedules impact my current contract? Will my contract number change?
- Neither your contract number nor the contract expiration date will change.
- You still can renew your GSA contract the same number of times as before the consolidation.
- Everything that you previously negotiated including price lists, delivery terms, labor categories and so no) remains the same as before and will not need re-negotiation.
- You need to sign the Mass Mod for each contract you hold. As of July 2020, 85% of contractors already did that. If you still haven’t signed the mass modification, you better do it right now.
- SINs that are beyond the scope of your existing contracts cannot be added until you sign the Mass Mod.
- FAR and GSAR texts will not be revised.
- You still can accept orders within your contracts.
Additionally, if you hold more than one GSA Schedule contract, during Phase 3 the GSA will offer to you a number of options to consolidate your multiple GSA contracts into one. The GSA will not force vendors to any specific option, and will work out the best solution individually for each vendor based on contracts it holds and existing BPAs. The MAS PMO (Program Management Office) coordinates this process.
Will there be any changes in the negotiation procedure after consolidation?
The New Consolidated Schedule still includes clauses 552.238-75 Price Reductions and 552.216-70 Economic Price Adjustment, so there will be no changes in the negotiation procedure.
How does the GSA MAS Consolidation impact TDR?
Transactional Data Reporting will still apply at the SIN level under the New Schedule if you choose to participate.
How does the GSA MAS Consolidation impact Order Level Materials?
Currently, the OLM is available for 12 of the legacy GSA Schedules and 59 categories.
- 36 Office, Imaging, and Document Solutions
- 56 Buildings and Building Materials
- 70 Commercial Information Technology Equipment, Software, and Services
- 71 Furniture
- 72 Furnishings and Floor Coverings
- 78 Sports, Promotional, Outdoor, Recreation, Trophies, and Signs (SPORTS)
- 84 Total Solutions for Law Enforcement, Security, Facilities Management, Fire, Rescue, Clothing, Marine Craft
- 00CORP Professional Services Schedule
- 03FAC Facilities Maintenance and Management
- 58 I Professional Audio/Video Telemetry/Tracking, Recording/Reproducing and Signal Data Solutions
- 71 II K Comprehensive Furniture Management Services (CFMS)
- 738X Human Capital Management and Administrative Support Services
You can review the full list of eligible categories here.
How does the GSA MAS Consolidation impact GSA eBuy?
The update that will make eBuy compatible to the Consolidated Schedule will be released in July 2020. After that, federal buyers will be able to publish an RFI in a specific category. Issuing RFIs on the SIN level will no longer be available.