FedMall is a federal e-commerce platform, much like other GSA shopping catalogs, where thousands of federal, state and local agencies can purchase goods and services. Selling on FedMall is very similar in an essence as selling on eBuy or GSA Advantage. But there are also some peculiarities you need to be aware of.
- What makes FedMall different?
- How to get on FedMall
- GSA vendor registration
- Prepare to sell on FedMall
- Sell on FedMall
What is FedMall
FedMall was created by the Defense Logistics Agency and IBM in 2017. The main purpose of this resource is to simplify and streamline the acquisition process for governmental agencies. The idea behind FedMall is simple: get rid of everything that makes the purchasing process cumbersome and non-intuitive and replace it with maximally straightforward online shopping, very much like what we are already used to on Amazon, and other online e-shops.
FedMall features advanced search functions to enable government users to find products and services they need almost instantly. It also offers an agile system for instant comparison of products offered by multiple GSA vendors. There is also a built-in chat with vendors and the order status tracking system.
What makes FedMall different?
While FedMall is functionally similar to other government e-commerce platforms, it does contain has some specifics that distinguish it:
- Modern platform. GSA FedMall was developed only recently, which means it features all the best UX capabilities a modern e-shop should have: smart search, product comparison, quick view of product by hovering the mouse over it, etc.
- Exclusive access. The Department of Defense, as well as other federal, state, and local government agencies purchase through FedMall making it a premier government e-commerce platform.
- Inherits DOD EMALL’s credibility. The predecessor of FedMall, DOD EMALL was used as a sales platform for 20 years. Millions of products have been sold through that platform.
- Transparency. FedMall offers automatic compliance of vendors to federal regulations. Plus, there are built in tools to quickly screen contractors and buyers.
- Smart platform. GSA FedMall fully utilizes the power of big data technologies, so both vendors and governmental agencies can make data-driven decisions, instead of imprecise guesses, which leads to more thorough planning and, in the end, more efficienton process.

How to get on FedMall
Step 1: GSA vendor registration
To start selling your products and/or services on FedMall you must be properly registered. Which means you should start with registering at SAM.gov and be approved as a GSA vendor. You will need your CAGE code. Finally, being a GSA vendor you will need a digital certificate (CAC card, PIV card or a software certificate) to receive DLA contracts and communicate with federal buyers.
Most importantly, you need to have a long-term government contract already in place. Examples of such contracts are Term Agreement (LTA), Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA), a GSA schedule or a DLA contract.
Step 2: Prepare to sell on FedMall
After all prerequisites are met you can register at FedMall supplier portal.
- Enter the FedMall supplier portal
- Click the “Enter portal” button
- Specify your certificate in the corresponding field
- Register by clicking the “Register” button, if you do not have an account on the website
- Then, you will need to specify your CAGE code as listed on SAM
- FedMall checks for your SAM registration and allows you to proceed
- Provide your contact information
- Specify your long-term government contract, or participate as a vendor of office supplies under NAICS 453210.
If you want to use some order management system to process your FedMall orders via EDI or XML, you will need to specify that data.
Finally, before you can start selling on FedMall, you need to prepare and upload your product catalog using the FedMall supplier portal template. Important: make sure to save the Excel file with your product catalog as a CSV. The format of the file is strictly formalized, so it is crucial to fill it properly with the data, otherwise you catalog will not be read and buyers will not be able to see your products.
Step 3: Sell on FedMall
FedMall opens a whole lot of new opportunities for businesses that already hold GSA contracts. And it is also fully accessible to AbilityOne participants. FedMall is straightforward and intuitive and catalogs are open to price changes, as long as your underlying long-term contract allows that. Simply upload an updated catalog and FedMall will list your updated prices shortly thereafter.
If you are not sure how to work with FedMall or simply don’t want to process sales through this GSA mall manually, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Price Reporter is always ready to help.
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