We noticed that some users keep on providing tracking number for only the 1st item in the package list. This was OK for email notifications to end user and order-level updates for GSA Advantage.
Now GSA expects you to provide tracking number for each shipped quantity of each order line item – it’s a hard requirement for EDI process, and if tracking number is not entered, system automatically populates “CALL SUPPORT” instead of tracking number – otherwise this update won’t be accepted by GSA.
But if you look in the Take Advantage of Order Status report, you will see that there’s no tracking number for such items – although item status is Shipped.
To prevent this, please provide tracking number for each line item of your Package List – even if all items are shipped as single package. Then all your item-statuses should be correct – each shipped line will have a tracking number duly recorded for end-user & GSA ADV visibility.